Offerings and Donations


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Below are descriptions of the current giving options:

General Fund
The general fund supports our regular operating expenses including salary and benefits, utilities, supplies, and education expenses.

Missions offerings support mission efforts at the local level, at the state and national level, and international missionaries.
If you wish to designate your missions offering, note it in the text box..

Capital Improvements
Contributions to the Capital Improvement Fund are used for equipment, major repairs, renovations, and facility enhancements.

Contributions to the Memorial Fund may be given in honor or in memory of a loved one or simply as a gift.
We encourage "undesignated" gifts which allow the church to prioritize and fund critical projects.

Benevolence Offering
Benevolence offerings are used by the board of deacons to help fill special needs within the fellowship and the larger community of Delaware, Ohio.

One Great Hour of Sharing
OGHS supports disaster relief, development projects, and refugee ministries of the American Baptist Churches and its partners.

America for Christ
AFC supports missions in the Americas, North, South, and Central America.

World Missions Offering
WMO supports our international missions efforts. WMO is promoted during October.

Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering
RMMO provided supplemental support to retired ministers and missionaries.


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