31 Days of Prayer
Week 4 - Oct. 20-26


We invite you to partner with us in prayer for our global servants,
their families, and ministries.

Oct 20 David Parajón | NICARAGUA
Pray that hearts and minds would be opened to God's love and discern new ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the service of others. 

Oct 21 Waleska Febres | COLOMBIA
Pray for short-term mission teams to come and serve the churches and the institute. 

Pray for the movement toward sustainable ministries. 

Oct 23 Lynette Smith | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Pray for the holistic (spirit, body, mind) wellness needs of communities to be met in empowering ways. 

Oct 24 Corenne Smith | BRAZIL
Pray for the physical and emotional safety of the children that they will feel safe to receive and give back love. 

Oct 25 Phil Smith | BRAZIL
Pray for the house parents for the former street kids who are getting used to baths, brushing their teeth, and following rules. 

Oct 26 Sue Hegarty | COSTA RICA
Pray that the immigrant children and mothers will persevere in their studies to gain more opportunities.